A simple solar system game made in Unity 2020.4.23f1

The game features a simple simulation of our solar system, including the sun, nine planets, and the Moon. All stellar objects spin and all planets revolve around the Sun. There are also random comets flying around in space, for fun.

The gameplay features left-clicking on any stellar object (the Sun, the Earth, any other planet, or the Moon) causing the camera to center onto the selected object, as well as right-clicking anywhere in the scene causing the camera to center on the Sun, back to default.

I am planning to improve this game by adding more realistic game objects, improving the background scenery (Skybox), and adding more interactive camera functionality where the user has more control over the camera. I am also planning to add some music, as well as additional functionality to bring up a window when a planet is selected, and show some information about that planet, as well as read the information out loud.


Created by Pouya Pourakbarian Niaz


Linux.zip 39 MB
MacOS.zip 35 MB
Windows.zip 47 MB

Install instructions

For Windows and Mac, simply run the executable program. For WebGL, a browser would be more than enough. For Linux, run the .x86_64 file as executable.